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Conversion Migration.

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 Conversion Migration Transformation Management System. An industrial approach to migration issues. AN INDUSTRIAL APPROACH TO MIGRATION ISSUES

Conversion Migration : The solution to your computer conversion problems. Mainframe Migration. System Transformation. Data Conversion. Database Migration. IBM, BULL, UNIX, ICL, MVS, VSE, AIX, AS400, GCOS7, GCOS8  Cobol, PL1, Assembleur, Ideal, Natural, GMAP, PACBASE, ARIANE, Focus, Nomad, Ramis, SAS, Easytreve, Generol, CICS, TCAM, TDS, IMS, IDMS, DL1, DB2, Oracle, Sybase, Informix, Datacom, Adabas. THE SOLUTION TO YOUR COMPUTER CONVERSION PROBLEMS



Conversion Migration Repository. Conversion Migration KnowledgeBase.

Conversion Migration is a fully integrated suite of Windows SQL Server based tools for analyzing and documenting IBM MVS, VM, VSE, AS400, AIX, BULL, GCOS, ICL, UNIX, ASSEMBLY, COBOL, PL1, PLI, RPG, GAP, SAS, EASYTRIEVE, NATURAL, PACBASE, IDEAL, QMF, CICS, IMS, SQL, DB2, DLI, DL1, DATACOM, ADABAS, IDMS, and DDS programming languages. Conversion Migration is a "manager" of computer source code. It keeps track of all of your IT "objects" and how they are used. When we say objects we mean all of your computer source code: your applications, jobs, production job schedules, programs, subroutines, copies, includes, screen descriptions, database descriptions, file descriptions, data definitions, etc.The Conversion Migration analyzers read all of your source code libraries in which your IT objects are stored in order to extract information about your computer applications. All of the information extracted from your source libraries is stored in a database called the Conversion Migration Repository or simply the Conversion Migration database, which is an open SQL Server industry standard relational database. Once an Conversion Migration database has been created by running the Conversion Migration analyzers against your source code libraries then you will be able to interrogate the Conversion Migration database to obtain information about your IT objects.

Migration Tools. Source Analyzers, Program Translaters, Conversion Migration Generators, Comparison and Simulation Tools. MIGRATION TOOLS

Migration Tools. Source Analyzers, Program Translaters, Conversion Migration Generators, Comparison and Simulation Tools.

Migration Conversion FAQ. MIGRATION FAQ

Migration Phases. MIGRATION PHASES

Migration Phases

Conversion Migration Repository. Conversion Migration KnowledgeBase. Sql Server Tables. Conversion Migration functions with Conversion Migration relational database tables. All information about computer applications and production scheduling is extracted from the application source code and stored in Conversion Migration SQL tables. The Conversion Migration knowledge database is initialized by collecting all information available in "source form" from the computer applications to be analyzed.

When you use Conversion Migration, you will find numerous functions for the management of IT software objects. These functions provide extensive functions to help you document and to gain knowledge of your computer applications. In particular Conversion Migration includes : production schedules, applications, processing modules, command languages, programming languages, real time monitors, data management systems.